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Soul Source returns on Sunday, May 26th to celebrate 6️⃣ years of building community and moving 🍑 in LA. And we’re making it extra special by hosting two floors of music at @thegrandstarjazzclub in historic Chinatown. 🏮

We can’t wait to welcome back two of our all-time favorites from the Bay Area @djninasol and @dj_patrick_wilson of @elementsoakland, along with the talented beatsmith @illijahbeats@woes of @itsthemightygiants, and your beloved residents @blksoap__ @therealmrchoc and @mantron.

Tickets go live tomorrow (Apr 9) at 9am
limited early 🐦 admission for just $5 (don’t sleep)

As always, spread love and spread the word. We can’t wait to see you on the floor!